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Make your cash pay

Earn interest on cash surplus with our Fixed-term and Notice deposit accounts.

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Fixed-term deposits

Make your cash balances work for you

If your business has a cash lump sum that you don’t plan to use soon, unlock its full potential with a fixed interest rate.

AMINA Bank’s fixed-term products are available for deposits starting from 50,000 CHF, EUR or USD. Choose a term that suits you from a minimum of 2 months onwards.

Rates are locked-in for the duration of the term, protecting returns from market interest rate volatility. Make short-term cash balances work for your business.


50,000 CHF or more

(Euro/US Dollar equivalent)


2-12 months

Fixed through term period. Other terms available on demand



Through term period


At end of term

Penalties may apply to withdrawals made prior to maturity

Fixed-term deposits investment rates

The interest rate is determined on prevailing conditions on the money market depending on deposit period and deposited amount. The interest is subject to “Swiss withholding tax”.

2 months0.35%2.50%4.30%4.00%
3 months0.40%2.50%4.25%4.00%
6 months0.40%2.40%4.25%4.00%
9 months0.30%2.30%4.20%3.95%
12 months0.30%2.30%4.20%3.90%

These are indicative annual rates. These rates can depend on different factors, for example, total client’s assets and/or transaction amounts, etc. Different rates may be applicable. For more information, please contact us.

Information correct as of 03.02.2025

7-Day Notice Account

Enjoy attractive yields and swift access to your cash with AMINA's 7-Day Notice Account

Enjoy competitive yields on your savings while maintaining the freedom to act swiftly when investment opportunities arise. With just 7 days’ notice, unlock the potential of your funds and stay in control of your financial journey. 

There is a minimum deposit of 50,000 CHF or EUR and USD equivalents.

Product eligibility

You may only transfer in deposits that are not already held with AMINA on February 16, 2024. Deposits held within existing AMINA accounts including current accounts prior to that date are not eligible for this product.


50,000 CHF or more

(Euro/US Dollar equivalent)





Based on deposit amount


7-Day notice

Request a withdraw at anytime

7-Day Notice Accounts Deposit Rates

The applicable rate of interest is based on the invested amount and the prevailing conditions in the money market and can be adjusted up or down without advance notice. Any interest earned is subject to Swiss Withholding Tax.​

Up to and including CHF 3'000'000*0.20%1.40%2.90%1.90%
Above CHF 3'000'000*Please contact AMINA Bank

Rates are per annum and subject to change.

Information correct as of 03.02.2025 | *or EUR, USD equivalent

35-Day Notice Account

Enjoy flexibility with AMINA's 35-Day Notice Account

Our 35-Day Notice Account makes your cash work harder while giving your company access to your money on notice when you need it.

There is a minimum deposit of 50,000 CHF or EUR and USD equivalents.


50,000 CHF or more

(Euro/US Dollar equivalent)





Based on deposit amount


35-Day notice

Request a withdraw at anytime

35-Day Notice Accounts Deposit Rates

The applicable rate of interest is based on the invested amount and the prevailing conditions in the money market and can be adjusted up or down without advance notice. Any interest earned is subject to Swiss Withholding Tax.

Up to and including CHF 3'000'000*0.30%1.60%3.10%2.10%
Above CHF 3'000'000*Please contact AMINA Bank

Rates are per annum and subject to change.

Information correct as of 03.02.2025 | *or EUR, USD equivalent

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